Angus Beef Carpaccio with Gorgonzola

Angus Beef Carpaccio with Gorgonzola

Serves: to serve 2-4

Prep Time: 15 Minutes + waiting

Cook Time: 5 Minutes

Ready In: 20 mins
+ waiting

9 oz - Angus Beef fillet

  - salt and pepper

3 tablespoons - truffle oil

  - rocket leaves

½ - lemon

5 oz - Gorgonzola piccante

  1. Trim all fat off the outside of the beef fillet. Season the fillet with salt and freshly-ground black pepper, then rub with 1 tablespoon of the truffle oil.
  2. Sear the beef fillet in a hot frying pan for about 1 minute on each side until it is lightly browned all over (this is just to colour the edges). Allow the meat to cool, then wrap tightly in cling film and place in the freezer for one hour.
  3. Keeping the beef wrapped in the cling film, use a very sharp knife to slice the fillet. Discard the end piece then slice thin rounds off the fillet and place them, one at a time, between two polythene sandwich bags. Use a rolling pin to gently beat the meat out so that it flattens to approximately 2mm thick.
  4. Place a small handful of rocket leaves on each plate and arrange the carpaccio slices on top. Drizzle lemon juice and the remaining truffle oil over the meat, then grind a little black pepper on top. Add small pieces of crumbled Gorgonzola and eat when you like!