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Chicken Casserole

Ready in 1 hr 45 mins

Recipe by Graham 

A casserole is an easy way to cook since, once prepared, it almost looks after itself and leaves you free to prepare vegetables or desserts. This beautiful Chicken Casserole has a taste of bacon, mushrooms and shallots, baked into a bubbling main dish perfect for cold evenings.

Preparation Time

15 Minutes

Cooking Time

1 Hour 30 Minutes

Ingredients for Chicken Casserole

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To serve 4:

3 lb oven-ready chicken
2 tablespoons flour
  salt and pepper
1 tablespoon butter
5 rashers (slices) streaky bacon
2 oz mushrooms
1 shallot
20 fl oz chicken stock **

How to Cook Chicken Casserole

  1. Season the flour with salt and fresh pepper. Joint the chicken and dip the joints in the seasoned flour to coat them entirely. Cut the bacon into small strips about ½" (1cm) wide. Peel and chop the shallot. Wash and slice the mushrooms.
  2. Melt the butter in a flameproof casserole dish and gently fry the bacon, mushrooms and shallot for a few minutes. Add the chicken joints and fry until hey are golden brown on all sides, turning them as required. Add enough hot chicken stock to just cover the chicken pieces then simmer for 1 - 1½ hours until tender. Re-season if required and serve straight from the casserole.
  3. ** If you don't have time or the inclination to make chicken stock, you can substitute chicken stock cubes dissolved in 20fl oz (600ml or 1 pint) of hot water.
To use some of the remaining stock in the casserole as a thick gravy (or sauce), place sufficient into a pan and bring to the simmer. Mix 1 teaspoon of cornflour (cornstarch or wheat starch) with 1 tablespoon of water in a cup, then add this, little by little to the pan, stirring all the time until the gravy (sauce) is to the required consistency.