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Clear Vegetable Soup

Ready in 25 mins

Recipe by Graham 

Clear Vegetable Soup is a straightforward consomée (clear soup) that is extraordinarily simple to make and produces a soup with the crisp, fresh taste of vegetables.

Preparation Time

10 Minutes

Cooking Time

15 Minutes

Ingredients for Clear Vegetable Soup

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To serve 2:

1¾ pints water
1 stock cube (chicken, beef, vegetable)
2 teaspoons salt
3 carrots
3 medium potatoes
2 leeks

How to Cook Clear Vegetable Soup

  1. Put the water and salt in a large pan and bring to the boil. Crumble in a stock cube of your choice. While the water is heating, peel and dice the carrots, rinse them in cold water and add them to the pan. Peel and dice the potatoes, allow them to soak in fresh water for two minutes to remove any excess starch, then add them to the pan too. Rinse the leeks, cut off the green leaves at the top and the root at the bottom. Slice the remaining white stem into round slices about ½'" (1cm) thick. Add these to the pan then cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
Add two or three sticks of celery, chopped, to the other vegetables. The added flavour is worth the effort (some chopped parsley added at the end of cooking is also a great addition)