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Roast Potato Surprise Recipe

Roast Potato Surprise


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Roast Potato Surprise Such a verstile beast, the common potato. So here's a way to add ham, cheese and sour cream, so when you break it open you find the treasure inside. If you're fed up trying to think of ways to liven up your everyday cooking, this little number will make your family smile. It a baked potato with a difference - it's full of good things!

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 35 Minutes

Ingredients for Roast Potato Surprise

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Serves 6:
6 large
5 tablespoons
8 slices
10 slices
emmental cheese
5 fl oz
sour cream
1 bunch
salt and freshly-ground black pepper
6 oz
grated mozzarella


How to Cook Roast Potato Surprise

  1. Cut a thin slice off the bottom off the potatoes and stand them on end in a muffin tin (they'll stand up easily since you've taken a slice off the bottom). Brush the skins generously with melted butter, and bake in a preheated moderate oven (Mk 4 - 350°F - 180°C) for 25 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, make alternate layers of ham and cheese, (5 layers of cheese and 4 layers of ham works well). Use a small glass to cut circles out of the ham and cheese. You'll need 6 circles about 1½" to 2" - 4-5cm -in diameter. Add chopped chives to the sour cream, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. If you have ham left over from cutting out the circles, chop into tiny pieces and stir into the cream.
  3. When the potatoes are cooked, cut off the tops and scoop out the flesh (be sure not to go too deep and make a hole in the base). Spoon in the sour cream mix leaving enough space at the top for a ham and cheese circle. Place the ham and cheese circles on the top to roughly 'seal' the hole. Top with grated mozzarella and bake in the oven again for 10 minutes at the same temperature (Mk 4 - 350°F - 180°C). Serve straight away.

As you scrape out the flesh from the potato, be sure to leave some round the outside and particularly at the base so not of that lucious mixture escapes.
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