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3 mins
Vinegar Salad Dressing Recipe

Vinegar Salad Dressing


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Ever wonder where restaurants get these delightful salad dressings? Many people suspect them of buying commercially but in fact, any good restaurant will make its own and vary it slightly according to the wishes of the Head Honcho! So here's a great base that you can work from and amend quantities slightly to suit your own tastes.

      Preparation Time: 3 Minutes

Ingredients for Vinegar Salad Dressing

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salt and freshly-ground pepper
1 tablespoon
red wine vinegar
1 level teaspoon
Dijon Mustard
3 - 4 tablespoons
corn oil


How to Cook Vinegar Salad Dressing

  1. Place a little salt and freshly-ground pepper into a large bowl. Add the red wine vinegar and stir for a few seconds until the salt has dissolved. Add the mustard and stir again until the mustard has mixed thoroughly with the vinegar. Now add the corn oil and mix again until you achieve a consistent dressing.
  2. Eh Voila! This simple French Dressing can be used in many meals as we shall see on this web site. For a simple salad, place the lettuce leaves into a bowl and gently, but thoroughly, toss them into the dressing until they are completely coated.

A nice variation for any salad dressing is to substitute Celery Salt for normal salt. This adds an extra dimension to your salads.
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