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Liver and Bacon Recipe

Liver and Bacon

Rating 4-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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Liver and bacon compliment each other in a way that few other meats do. Whether you choose lamb's liver or calves' liver is a matter of personal choice or what is available to you. Lamb's liver is a little more tender than calves' liver, but the difference is not too noticeable. I've included onions in the recipe below, but they are entirely optional. Personally, I just love them!!

      Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Ingredients for Liver and Bacon

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to serve 4:
2 large
onions (optional)
duck fat or cooking oil
8 oz
smoked back bacon rashers (slices)
2 oz
plain flour (all purpose flour)
salt and freshly ground pepper
1 lb
lamb's liver or calves' liver
¾ pint
beef stock **


How to Cook Liver and Bacon

  1. If you are adding onions to this recipe (which is an extraordinarily good idea!), these should be cooked first. Peel and slice them and cook them gently in a frying pan (skillet) with duck fat (or oil) and a little salt and pepper, for about 15 minutes, or until the onions are limp. Remove the onions and set aside in a warm dish, leaving as much fat as possible in the pan.
  2. Cook the bacon rashers (slices) for about two minutes on each side and keep warm along with the onions. Meanwhile, season the flour with salt and pepper, cut the liver into slices about ½" (1cm) thick and coat each side in the seasoned flour. Fry lightly and quickly on both sides until browned on both sides. Don't be tempted to overcook liver, it should be tender and juicy, not hard like shoe leather! Again, set aside and keep warm with the onions and bacon.
  3. Drain off all but about 1 tablespoon of fat from the pan then stir in the remaining seasoned flour and cook gently till browned, stirring all the time. Add the beef stock (** you can make this from a stock cube if you wish) and stir until the liquid boils. Re-season with a little more salt and pepper if required, then transfer to a jug or gravy dish.
  4. Served with Creamed Potatoes on an Autumn evening, I can assure you that this method of cooking and serving liver will remove any old prejudices.

If you are not sure when your liver is cooked, pierce with a sharp, pointed knife. I little pink juice is fine. Bright red blood means it needs a bit longer.
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Reviews of Liver and Bacon

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again September 05 2014
Lovely simple recipe. Liver cooked to perfection. Very tasty and took just 20mins. Would definitely do it again
(2 reviews)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again August 01 2014
Really nice recipe. Followed recipe exactly and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you! My husband has never been a big fan of liver and therefore I rarely have it. But today I decided to try out this recipe. Very yummy recipe, nice and rich beef gravy and even my husband seemed to enjoy it!!!!! Recommended.
(6 reviews)

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