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Bacon Barbeque Prawns Recipe

Bacon Barbeque Prawns

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Unusual Recipe

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Bacon Barbeque Prawns are great if you're in a sort of relaxed "chuck it in the oven" mood and looking for something that's quick, easy, tasty and more-ish! If our grandchildren are with us when we go shopping and they see me buying jumbo prawns, they simply say "I'll go and get the bacon" like it's a foregone conclusion that this is what we are eating! (Sometimes they are right, sometimes I have other things in mind!)

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes + waiting

      Cooking Time: 15 Minutes

Ingredients for Bacon Barbeque Prawns

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to serve 4:
jumbo prawns (large shrimp) uncooked
8 rashers (slices)
smoked streaky bacon (side bacon)
barbeque seasoning, to taste


How to Cook Bacon Barbeque Prawns

  1. Peel the prawns and remove the vein (if not already done). Cut each bacon rasher in two and wrap each prawn (shrimp) with ½ slice of bacon, securing with a toothpick.
  2. Line a baking tin with aluminium foil and place a baking rack over (this keeps the prawns from sitting in the draining bacon fat and you can throw the foil away and only have to scrub the rack!). Place the prawn-bacon pieces on the rack, and sprinkle heavily with a barbecue seasoning of your choice (my own preference is Dunn's River Caribbean Barbeque Seasoning). Turn and sprinkle the second side, then let the prawn-bacon pieces rest for 15 minutes to allow the seasoning to soak in.
  3. Cook in a preheated hot oven (Mk 8 - 450ºF - 230ºC) for 10 to 15 minutes, turning once, until the bacon is brown and crispy. Remove the toothpicks and serve hot with Baked Potatoes and sour cream.

Be sure and use jumbo prawns (large shrimp). The cooking time for the prawn and the bacon is similar and over-cooked crustaceans are tough and rubbery. If you use medium-sized shrimp, you might want to precook the bacon a little.
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Reviews of Bacon Barbeque Prawns

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again December 17 2013
I've prepared a similar appetizer that involved making a small cut down the back of a large or jumbo peeled shrimp and inserting a slice of mild jalapeno pepper before wrapping with bacon. I've found that by winding 1/3 of a bacon slice, starting at one end and finishing at the other end to achieve a single thickness, the bacon has a better chance of cooking adequately and evenly. To cook, I heat the oven temp on the broil setting, add the wrapped shrimp, cook for 2 minutes, turn the shrimp over and broil for another 2 minutes, then turn the oven off and allow the shrimp to finish cooking as the temp gradually decreases. By the time the shrimp begins to turn pink, the bacon will be cooked.
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