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Bacon Strip Pancakes Recipe

Bacon Strip Pancakes

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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Bacon Strip Pancakes are the sort of comfort food which, when you begin to think about them, will make you immediately run into the kitchen, search through the freezer in a frenzy to find some bacon, whip up some pancake batter and get to work. And I have to admit that this artery clogging treat is one of the best breakfast recipes I've had in a long time. Honestly, these things should be illegal. Once you taste the crispy salty bacon wrapped in a delicate pancake drenched in warm maple syrup, you won't care what state your arteries are in!

Though recipes vary, all pancakes have the same basic ingredients of flour, eggs and milk. The recipe here is for the sweet 'breakfast' pancakes, much appreciated in North America (as opposed to the Savoury Pancakes more often found in Europe). The ingredients above will make about 15 pancake strips (more or fewer, depending on the size). You may change the amounts of ingredients according to the number of pancakes you want to serve.

      Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Ingredients for Bacon Strip Pancakes

If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
US Imperial Measurements  UK Imperial Measurements  Metric Measurements

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to make about 15 pancakes:
9 oz
self-raising flour (self-rising flour)
12 fl oz
2 tablespoons
3 tablespoons
15 rashers (slices)
streaky bacon


How to Cook Bacon Strip Pancakes

  1. Make the batter first - crack the eggs into a bowl and beat until fluffy. Add in the dry ingredients, (if you only have plain flour - all purpose flour - you can use this, but will need to add ½ tablespoon baking powder). Do not stir the mixture at this point. Melt the butter and add it, plus the milk to the mix. Stir gently, leaving some small clumps of dry ingredients in the batter. Do not blend until completely smooth. If your batter is smooth, your pancakes will be tough and flat as opposed to fluffy.
  2. Fry the bacon until crisp over a medium heat. Remove from the pan and place on paper kitchen towels to drain the fat. Remove most of the bacon grease from the pan or griddle except for a thin layer. Sprinkle a few flecks of water into your pan. If it 'dances', or jumps from the pan with a sizzle, the pan is ready for the batter.
  3. Return the bacon to the skillet or griddle and carefully spoon pancake batter over each bacon strip, allowing it to overlap the bacon. Cook until golden brown on one side and flip. Cook until golden and done on the other side. If you want a deeper colour, just repeat the steps for another thirty seconds per side until the pancake is done enough for your tastes.
  4. If you are cooking the pancakes in batches, keep the cooked ones warm in a low oven while you finish cooking. Serve with warm maple syrup.

For a really delicious extravagance top off your Bacon Strip Pancakes with a fried egg. Yeah, I hear what you say about those arteries but dammit - once a year won't harm!!
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Reviews of Bacon Strip Pancakes

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again September 27 2013
It is flat out great. The best thing ever in the world! The pancake tastes like bacon and it was good. I had like 6 of them and I'm fixing more tomorrow. Try using maple flavored bacon. Yummy!
(7 reviews)

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