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Baked Potatoes (Jacket Potatoes) Recipe

Baked Potatoes (Jacket Potatoes)

An Ideal Recipe for Vegetarians

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A baked potato is a fearsomely versatile and healthy beast! Full of fibre and capable of taking a huge variety of tasty fillings, it is extraordinarily simple to cook. If you are fortunate enough to have a microwave cooker, I've also included the microwave method which is, of course, much quicker than conventional oven cooking.

      Preparation Time: 1 Minute

      Cooking Time: 59 Minutes

Ingredients for Baked Potatoes (Jacket Potatoes)

If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
US Imperial Measurements  UK Imperial Measurements  Metric Measurements

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 2:
2 large


How to Cook Baked Potatoes (Jacket Potatoes)

  1. How to make Baked Potatoes (Jacket Potatoes) in a conventional oven: Do NOT peel the potatoes. Scrub them well to remove all dirt and remove any 'eyes' (deep pock marks in the skin). Heat the oven to Mk 6 - 400ºF - 200ºC and place the potatoes on the middle shelf. After half-an-hour, turn them over and cook for a further half-hour. Remove from the oven, cut a large 'X' on the top surface and insert a little butter or sour cream! ... Delicious
  2. How to make Baked Potatoes (Jacket Potatoes) in a microwave oven: Prepare the potatoes as above. Place in a microwave on full power for about 15 minutes. Keep checking towards the end of cooking to make sure they are not over cooked. They should be firm, but not hard.

When baking potatoes, pierce them deeply several times with a skewer or thin, sharp knife prior to cooking. This prevents them from 'bursting' while cooking.
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