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Pears with Blue Cheese Dressing Recipe

Pears with Blue Cheese Dressing

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for Entertaining

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Pears with Blue Cheese Dressing is a perfect starter if you want to impress your guests. Light enough to be easily digestible while offering a wonderful mixture of the sweet pear and the tang of blue cheese.

      Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

A Top Choice Recipe for Entertaining

Ingredients for Pears with Blue Cheese Dressing

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to serve 4:
4 small
ripe pears
4 teaspoons
lemon juice
8 oz
Danish blue cheese
10 oz
natural yoghurt
salt and pepper
6 - 8
lettuce leaves
8 - 12 leaves
fresh mint


How to Cook Pears with Blue Cheese Dressing

  1. Peel the pears, keeping the stalks on. Carefully remove the cores from the larger end of the pear, using a small teaspoon. Be sure to keep the pear intact. Brush the pears with lemon juice to avoid discolouration. Cream the cheese until soft and use about 1oz (25g) to stuff each pear. Add the yoghurt to the remaining cheese and blend them well together. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
  2. Shred the lettuce leaves and spread them on four plates. Stand a pear on each bed of lettuce and carefully coat with the cheese and yoghurt mix. Garnish the top of each pear (the stalk) with small mint leaves.

If you have an 'old fashioned' potato peeling knife (knife shape as opposed to wide, flat blade) you will find this is better to begin removing the pear cores. You can use a teaspoon once you 'get inside'
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Reviews of Pears with Blue Cheese Dressing

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again January 01 2015
Prepared this for a guest with a sophisticated palate and got rave reviews. Everyone loved it...even my picky eater husband! I have made it again since, and it is so delicious! This is now my absolute favorite dessert. We had it again last night and I want it every weekend now. It was a hit. This recipe is definitely a keeper.
(2 reviews)

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