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Streetwise Spicy Beef Pasty Recipe

Streetwise Spicy Beef Pasty

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Unusual Recipe

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Lots of "Street Cred" to these delicious Streetwise Spicy Beef Pasties. The spiciness of the paprika, chilli pepper and curried egg wash don't overwhelm the rich meat flavour; rather they add even more interest. You've got to give these guys some space and show them some respect! So serve them with something very simple like Creamed Potatoes or French Fries.

      Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 30 Minutes

Ingredients for Streetwise Spicy Beef Pasty

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Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 4:
1 lb
minced beef (ground beef)
1 medium
2 cloves
½ teaspoon
smoked paprika
1 teaspoon
dried thyme
1 teaspoon
½ teaspoon
freshly-ground black pepper
jalapeno chilli pepper
2 oz
fresh bread crumbs
4½ fl oz
beef broth (or strong beef stock)
2 teaspoons
curry powder
2 tablespoons
1 lb
premade shortcrust pastry dough


How to Cook Streetwise Spicy Beef Pasty

  1. Brown the beef in a large sauté pan (frying pan) over medium heat, stirring often. Peel and finely dice the onion and add to the pan. Peel and crush (mince) the garlic and add to the pan also. Add the paprika, thyme, black pepper, and salt and stir together. Finely dice the jalapeno, add to the pan then remove from the heat. Add the fresh bread crumbs and the beef broth. Stir well to combine all the ingredients and set aside to cool completely.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, curry powder and water. Then, on a lightly floured work surface, roll out the pastry and cut out 3" (7.5cm) rounds using either a biscuit cutter or a conveniently-sized cup or mug. Add a heaped tablespoon of the beef mixture onto each round. Brush the edges of the pastry with the egg mix, fold over, press the edges with your fingers and then crimp with a fork. Transfer the pasties to a baking tray and brush the tops generously with the egg mixture. Bake in a preheated moderately hot oven (Mk 6 - 325ºF - 200ºC) for 30 minutes until golden brown. Arrange on a serving platter and eat hot.

You can buy Beef Broth in cans but, if you have problems, make a "broth equivalent" by crumbling half a beef stock cube in 4½ floz (125ml) of hot water.
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Reviews of Streetwise Spicy Beef Pasty

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again December 31 2014
These tasty little critturs are perfect for when you have a gang of people round (like a summer BBQ) and you have a hot or cold buffet. They're spicy, but not too spicy. They're not full size, so they fit nicely in the hand. And they taste really great. I diced up a carrot and cooked that in with the mince and added some frozen peas too.
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