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Beef Chow Mein Recipe

Beef Chow Mein

Rating 4-5 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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In Southern China, from where Chow Mein originates, the words Chow Mein literally means "stir fried noodles" and it has become a popular dish worldwide. It's a quick, versatile and tasty way to cook egg noodles (which are readily available in the shops) and, in fact, you can add almost any ingredient you want such as vegetables, fish, meat or poultry.

      Preparation Time: 30 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 10 Minutes

Ingredients for Beef Chow Mein

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to serve 4:
8 oz
dried egg noodles
12 oz
beef steak
2 tablespoons
groundnut oil *
3 teaspoons
dark soy sauce
2 teaspoons
dry sherry
1 clove
2 oz
mange-tout **
2 rashers (slices)
smoked bacon
½ teaspoon
spring onions (a.k.a. scallions or salad onions)
1 teaspoon
sesame oil


How to Cook Beef Chow Mein

  1. Cook the dried noodles according to the instructions on the packet (usually boiled for 4 or 5 minutes) then drain the water from the pan and replace it with cold water. The noodles will keep this way for several hours.
  2. Remove any fat from the steak then slice it into fine shreds about 2" (5cm) long. Mix the steak with 2 teaspoons of the dark soy sauce and the dry sherry together in a small bowl and leave it to stand for at least 20 minutes (longer if possible). Meanwhile trim the ends off the mange-tout, finely chop the spring onions, cut the bacon rashers (slices) into thin strips and peel and finely chop the garlic.
  3. Heat a large frying pan (or wok), add 1 tablespoon of the groundnut oil and then the shreds of beef. Stir fry for about 2 minutes then remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside.
  4. Drain the noodles, shaking off as much water as possible. Add the other tablespoon of groundnut oil to the pan then reheat it and throw in the chopped garlic. Stir fry for about 10 seconds then throw in the mange-tout and bacon strips. Stir fry these for 1 minute then add the drained noodles, the remaining teaspoon of soy sauce, the sugar and the spring onions. Stir fry for 2 more minutes then add the cooked beef strips.
  5. Continue to stir fry for about 3-4 minutes to thoroughly cook the ingredients, add the sesame oil and give the whole mixture a final few stirs. Turn onto a warmed serving dish and serve with Beef in Oyster Sauce
  6. * Groundnut oil enhances the flavour of any stir fried food. If, however, you don't want to use it, you can substitute corn oil instead.
  7. ** Whilst I have suggested mange-tout in this recipe, in fact almost any finely sliced green bean would be just as good.

As with almost all Chinese recipes there are many ingredients, so you will find it useful to have everything prepared and at hand when you begin cooking. It's the preparation that takes the time, not the cooking.
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Reviews of Beef Chow Mein

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again August 07 2014
The beef and vegetable part was great. I didn't intend to alter the recipe but I added an additional 1 Tbsp/tsp of each to the soy sauce and sherry. As a result my dish was a little saucier than intended, but it was so good that I might make the same "mistake" again.
(6 reviews)
Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again January 11 2014
Can't believe I used to buy a chow mein mix from the supermarket. This is way more tastier and so easy to make. I stuck to the recipe and it got the thumbs up by all the family, I loved the flavour, and everyone in the family asked for seconds. A great and easy meal which will now become a regular at our place.
(4 reviews)

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