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Breakfast Hash Recipe

Breakfast Hash

Rating 4-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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Breakfast Hash is a great way to cook a big breakfast all in the same pan. And you don't really need a recipe for this - it just sort of "evolves". If you want to add bacon, add bacon! If you have some left-over mushrooms or a bit of black pudding in the fridge, add them too!

Sausage and onion hash with eggs cracked over is definitely worth getting out of bed for, particularly if you use herbed sausages (like Cumberland). You can eat it at any time of day, even as a snack if you want. It's hugely satisfying and (dare I say it) even tastier if you simply eat it straight out of the pan!

      Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 15 Minutes

Ingredients for Breakfast Hash

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to serve 4:
3 tablespoons
duck (or goose) fat
pork sausages
2 medium
2 medium
4 large


How to Cook Breakfast Hash

  1. Heat the duck or goose fat in your largest frying pan/skillet (I have a big 13" (33cm) beast that works perfectly for this sort of fry-up). Remove the skins from the sausages and break into chunks about 1" (2.5cm) long. Cook for a few minutes, stirring to ensure the pieces brown all over (it doesn't matter if they break up even more).
  2. Meanwhile, peel and thinly slice the onions and add them to the pan. Stir in with the sausages. Wash the potatoes (but don't peel them) and coarsely grate them including the skin. Squeeze out any excess moisture with your hands, then sprinkle the grated potatoes into the pan and press down so they are in contact with the base of the pan.
  3. When the ingredients are cooked (about 7-8 minutes), crack the eggs over the top and allow to cook (if you have a lid, cover the pan because the eggs will cook more evenly). Serve immediately.

If you can't get hold of duck fat or goose fat (both of which which impart a beautiful flavour) use 2 tablespoons of groundnut oil and 3oz (85g) of butter in the pan.
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Reviews of Breakfast Hash

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again February 16 2015
Excellent comfort food! I particularly like the tip to cover the pan because the eggs will cook more evenly. I like my eggs easy over but when you crack them on top of other food they are always sunny side up. Putting the lid back on for a couple of minutes sorted that one out!! Well done.
(6 reviews)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again June 24 2014
Excellent recipe for a breakfast hash. I tried it out on my lot at the weekend and now they're all screaming for more. Really simple and quick.
(3 reviews)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again May 25 2014
I roughly chopped some bacon and added it along with a couple of mushrooms. The bacon was smoked, so it really made a difference. Love the recipe though.
(4 reviews)

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