5 mins
+ waiting
5 mins
+ waiting
Preparation Time: 5 Minutes + waiting
Ingredients for Salad Horseradish
If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 4 - 6:
1 approx 10 - 14 oz
whole horseradish
How to Cook Salad Horseradish
- If you are not using the whole horseradish (which will usually provide suffciient for between 4 and 6 people), cut off the portion required and peel it to remove the skin (sometimes black, sometimes brown). Cut the white flesh into slices like slicing a cucumber (slices about one-eight of an inch - 3mm - thick). Salt these generously on both sides and place on a plate in the fridge for between 30 and 60 minutes.
- Remove from the fridge and drain off the water. Pat the horseradish dry using paper kitchen towels. Serve with a mixed salad (many people like to put a little unsalted butter on each slice as they eat them).
Don't be afraid to salt the horseradish well. When you dry them on kitchen paper most of the salt will be removed. The salt removes the excess water and softens the flesh.
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