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Caesar Salad Recipe

Caesar Salad

Rating 4-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for Slimmers

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One of my favourite salads and one that I often request when dining out is Caesar Salad. The dish was created in 1924 by Italian chef Caesar Cardini at his restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico and was prepared and served at the table. If you have never experienced "the table-side cabaret" that goes with the preparation of a good Caesar Salad you need to get out and visit a few more restaurants!!

In this recipe, I have included anchovies which have become a popular addition over the years. However, the original recipe did not include them. So if you're not an anchovy fan, don't be afraid to leave them out. You may also be interested in a slightly amended version of this recipe - Chicken Caesar Salad.

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 10 Minutes

Ingredients for Caesar Salad

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to serve 4:
2 cloves
3 tablespoons
extra virgin olive oil
4 thick slices
white bread
large egg
1 teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoons
fresh lemon juice
1 clove
½ teaspoon
freshly-ground pepper
½ teaspoon
anchovy paste
1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
Dijon mustard
5 tablespoons
extra virgin olive oil
2 medium-sized
romaine lettuce
6 tablespoons
grated Parmesan cheese


How to Cook Caesar Salad

  1. For the croutons, peel and crush (mince) the garlic and cut the bread into ½" (1cm) cubes. Combine the garlic, oil and salt in a bowl and mix well. Add the bread cubes and turn until they are coated evenly in oil. Spread the coated cubes onto a baking sheet and bake in a preheated moderate oven (Mk 4 - 350ºF - 180ºC) for about 10 minutes until the croutons are golden.
  2. Bring a pan of water to the boil, add the egg and cook for just 45 seconds - no more! (This is called "coddling" the egg). Remove from the pan and allow to cool - under cold, running water if you want it chilled quickly.
  3. To make the salad, peel and crush (mince) the garlic and grate (shred) the Parmesan cheese. (Freshly grated always tastes better than packets of grated cheese). Mix the Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, garlic, salt & pepper, anchovy, mustard and capers in a bowl. Crack the cooled egg and add to these ingredients, then whisk until it is smooth.
  4. Add the olive oil in a slow steady stream while constantly whisking. If you add the oil too quickly, the dressing will separate and will not emulsify.
  5. To serve, remove the outer leaves from the lettuce then tear the inner leaves into ½" (1cm) pieces and place them in a large bowl (wooden if you have one). Add half the dressing, toss the salad, then add remaining dressing, Parmesan cheese and croutons and toss again. Serve on chilled plates.

If you serve Caesar Salad onto individual plates, rather than in a bowl, don't add the Parmesan cheese until the end, then grate (shred) it over the top of the served salad.
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Reviews of Caesar Salad

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again February 17 2015
Great Caesar Salad recipe. A few nice twists that I'd not thought of before (particularly coddling the egg). Well done.
(5 reviews)

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