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27 mins
Caramelised Onions Recipe

Caramelised Onions


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Soft, richly flavoured Caramelised Onions are a superb accompaniment to cold meats, patés and terrines, and also make a great base for all sorts of savoury pies and tarts. You can make a big batch and they'll keep for up to three weeks in the fridge in a sealed container. (Useful if you want a snack like Sticky Sausage in a Roll)

      Preparation Time: 2 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 25 Minutes

Ingredients for Caramelised Onions

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Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 4:
2 tablespoons
duck (or goose) fat
3 large
½ teaspoon
2 tablespoons
Demerara (turbinado) sugar
2 tablespoons
balsamic vinegar


How to Cook Caramelised Onions

  1. Peel and slice the onions. Melt the duck fat (or goose fat) in a large frying pan (skillet) over a low heat. Add the onions and the salt and cook very slowly for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent them from sticking.
  2. When the onions have softened and are tinged golden brown, add the sugar and balsamic vinegar to start the caramelisation process. Cook over a low heat for a further 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onions are sticky and caramelised.

You can either use caramelised onions immediately, or you can store them in the fridge, in a sealed jar or container, and use when required.
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