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Foie Gras Escalopes on Spice Bread Recipe

Foie Gras Escalopes on Spice Bread

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for Entertaining

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This recipe for Foie Gras on Spice Bread (escalope de foie gras au pain d'épice) is quick and easy and very, very, very tasty! You can use my own recipe for the Pain d'Épice (Spice Bread). Quantities shown here are for four main courses. If you halve the quantities, it makes an excellent stater course.

Foie gras means "fat liver" in French because it is the liver of a duck (or sometimes goose) that has been specially fattened. This fattening is usually done through force-feeding the ducks on corn. Foie gras is a popular and well-known delicacy in French cuisine. Its flavour is described as rich, buttery, and delicate, unlike that of an ordinary duck or goose liver. Foie gras is sold whole and may also be served as an accompaniment to another food item, such as steak. This recipe uses whole fresh livers (uncooked), so don't confuse it with the tins or jars of cooked foie gras.

      Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 10 Minutes

A Top Choice Recipe for Extravagance

Ingredients for Foie Gras Escalopes on Spice Bread

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to serve 4:
raw foie gras de canard (fattened duck liver)
8 slices
pain d'épices (spice bread)
2 tablespoons
balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon
pink baie peppercorns
sea salt and freshly-ground black pepper


How to Cook Foie Gras Escalopes on Spice Bread

  1. Use a food blender to reduce the Pain d'épice (Spice Bread) to a coarse powder. Season the foie gras on both sides with salt crystals and freshly-ground black pepper. Then coat the foie gras with the spice bread crumbs, pressing lightly with your fingertips or the flat of your hand to help it adhere to the foie gras.
  2. Place the foie gras into a warm non-stick frying pan (add no fat or oil of any kind) and cook on a low heat for 4 to 5 minutes turning them during cooking. Place the escalopes on absorbent kitchen paper and keep warm.
  3. Use kitchen roll to wipe the pan free of excess grease then deglaze with the 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, leave it to reduce a little over a gentle heat.
  4. Place the escalopes of foie gras on plates, sprinkle with a few grains of sea salt and a few crushed pink baies (peppercorns). Pour a thin trace of the balsamic sauce around the foie gras.
  5. Serve and enjoy these escalope de foie gras au pain d'épice as an appetizer or main course with fried fruit (peaches, figs, apples) and a sweet wine, Coteaux du Layon from the Loire Valley for example

If you like the idea of cooked foie gras, but don't want to go to the trouble of making Pain d'Épice, you can use ready made Jamaica Ginger Cake or Ginger Loaf Cake. Your own home-made tastes much better but sometimes you must trade convenience for taste!
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Reviews of Foie Gras Escalopes on Spice Bread

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again July 20 2014
No way I could find raw foie gras where i live but I was at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris and saw them in a shop, vacuum packed. So I bought a couple of packs and carried them home in my flight bag. I've used one pack to make this brilliant recipe and the other pack is in my freezer awaiting our next guests! The taste of this dish is absolutely sublime. There's no way I can easily describe it except to say that you've got to try it at least once before you die!
(4 reviews)

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