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Grilled Sausages Recipe

Grilled Sausages


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Never underestimate a good sausage! If you have a reliable butcher, try out all his different sausages and stick with the ones that give you most pleasure. Commercial sausages? - Phaaa! - any idea what they put into them? At least with an independent butcher you'll know that the contents are not just chemical!!

If you feel that it's really too easy to have a recipe for grilled sausage, please read my introduction. There, I say that the only assumptions I have made about you, the visitor to NeedaRecipe.com, is that you know what an egg is, and that you can tell the difference between the sharp end of a knife and the blunt end! Because of this, you may find some of the recipes a little elementary. If this is the case, don't worry because it means that you have a head start on some of your fellow site visitors. Even visitors who have some basic culinary skills will find that this site contains plenty of useful ideas and short cuts that they have not come across before.

      Preparation Time: 1 Minute

      Cooking Time: 10 Minutes

Ingredients for Grilled Sausages

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1 or more
pork or beef sausages

PLEASE NOTE: This recipe calls for the GRILLING or BROILING of food. In most countries of the world, the term "grilling" refers to heat coming from above the food source. Significantly, in North America, it signifies heat from below the food (such as barbecuing). In the United States and Canada, when the heat source for grilling comes from above, grilling is termed broiling, and the pan that holds the food is usually called a broiler pan.


How to Cook Grilled Sausages

  1. If your sausages are still joined together, cut the skin between them to separate them. Pearce each sausage with a fork six or seven times. This enables the fat in the sausage to escape and helps avoid them bursting during cooking. Place the sausages on the grill pan (broiler pan) and cook under a medium heat for about 10 minutes, turning regularly until they are golden brown all over.

If, after a fried meal, you have any sausages or bacon uneaten, put them in the refrigerator since they are delicious cold and make great sandwiches either on their own or with a slice of cheese. I often cook a whole pound of sausages (usually eight sausages) even if I know that I don't need them all for that particular meal, because I know how good they taste when cold.
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