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Toad in the Hole Recipe

Toad in the Hole

Rating 4-5 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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Toad in the Hole is a simple variation on a basic Yorkshire Pudding, where the meat is included with the pudding. Serve on its own with a sauce of your choice or make a gravy to pour over. It's a great treat on a cold winter's day.

Here, I have shown 6 sausages as being sufficient for 6 people. That's fine if you plan Toad in the Hole as part of a bigger meal, or it it's just a light lunchtime meal. If this is the whole meal, you should increase the number of sausages so adults get two each.

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Ingredients for Toad in the Hole

If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
US Imperial Measurements  UK Imperial Measurements  Metric Measurements

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 6:
4 oz
plain flour (all purpose flour)
¼ teaspoon
½ pint
beef dripping (or duck or goose fat)
pork sausages


How to Cook Toad in the Hole

  1. Prick the sausages and fry very quickly in a hot frying pan just to brown the outside (3 minutes maximum).
  2. Sift the flour and salt through a sieve (strainer) into a mixing bowl and make an indent in the centre. Break the egg into the indent and stir in half of the milk, gradually working the flour down from the sides. Beat this mixture vigorously until it is smooth and bubbly, then stir in the remainder of the milk.
  3. In a metal baking tray about 2" (5cm) deep by 8" (20cm) square, place a large knob of beef dripping (or duck or goose fat) and place into a preheated hot oven (Mk 7 - 425ºF - 220ºC) until the fat has melted and is smoking hot. Place the sausages side-by-side (but not touching) then pour the batter over the top until the tin is half full (any surplus batter can be cooked in a separate tin). Bake for at least 20-25 minutes depending on the depth of the tin. The pudding will rise high above the top of the tin and will be nicely browned around the edges and golden in the middle. Delicious just with Creamed Potatoes.

Don't be tempted to put the batter in the baking tray until the fat is really hot, it will spoil the texture or the Yorkshire pudding.
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Reviews of Toad in the Hole

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again January 01 2015
Wow thank you so much. It has never been a strong point, making yourkshire puddings, in fact I normally cheat and by ready made frozen ones! But I decided that I would try to master it with this easily explained recipe. Now, I can't stop watching my yorkshires rise. Can't believe how easy it is. I have been trying to make decent Yorkshire Puddings for my Yorkshire husband for many years, finally bingo! Thank you, great recipe.
(1 review)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again February 11 2013
I'd always heard about this English dish called toad-in-the-hole, but I had never tried it. When I saw this recipe, and how simple it looked, I thought I'd try it out. It was wonderful! Sure, it's not top class cuisine, but my kids thought it was great and my husband has asked if we can have it more often. You can't get a better recommendation that that!
(1 review)

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