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Grilled Goats Cheese Salad Recipe

Grilled Goats Cheese Salad

Rating 1-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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We eat Grilled Goats Cheese Salad two or three times a month for lunch. It's quick and easy to make and it tastes very, very good. Goat cheese softens when exposed to heat, although it does not melt in the same way many cow cheeses do. Firmer goat cheeses with rinds are sometimes baked in an oven to form a warm viscous form of the cheese. Goat cheese has been made for thousands of years, and was probably one of the earliest made dairy products. In the most simple form, goat cheese is made by allowing raw milk to naturally curdle, and then draining and pressing the curds.

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 10 Minutes

A Top Choice Recipe for Simplicity

Ingredients for Grilled Goats Cheese Salad

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to serve 4:
10 oz
goat cheese logs (Coeur de Lion la Buche is typical)
8 slices
white bread
golden breadcrumbs

PLEASE NOTE: This recipe calls for the GRILLING or BROILING of food. In most countries of the world, the term "grilling" refers to heat coming from above the food source. Significantly, in North America, it signifies heat from below the food (such as barbecuing). In the United States and Canada, when the heat source for grilling comes from above, grilling is termed broiling, and the pan that holds the food is usually called a broiler pan.


How to Cook Grilled Goats Cheese Salad

  1. Grilled Goats Cheese SaladOpen the packet of cheese and check the diameter. Normally goat's cheese rolls are about 1¾" - 2" (4.5cm -5cm) across. Use an upturned glass like a cookie cutter (or use a cookie cutter if you have one!) and cut circles out of the bread about 2½" - 3" (6cm - 7.5cm) across (in other words, just a little larger than the cheese). You need 12 circles for 4 people (unless you are using this as a starter, in which case 8 slices is enough). It's worth checking in your supermarket if they sell packet bread suitable for canapés. These are circular and the perfect size for this recipe.
  2. Lightly toast the bread, place on a flat baking sheet or grill pan and place one slice of cheese about ½" (1cm) thick on each (mark the cheese first with a knife to make sure you will get 12 slices). Sprinkle a few ready-made breadcrumbs (often called Golden Breadcrumbs) over each cheese then grill under a medium grill for about 6 - 7 minutes until you can see the cheese melting inside its outer 'skin' (you can test one with the tip of a sharp knife... with just slight pressure the point of the knife should sink right down to the toast)
  3. Serve immediately with fried tomatoes and lettuce tossed in vinegar dressing. A whole tasty lunch in 15-20 minutes! (or reduce the recipe to one or two cheeses per person and serve as a starter)

If you can only get goat's cheese with black ash on the outside, that's fine - just gently remove the ash with a knife before slicing the cheese. The ash is quite harmless. The only problem is that goat's cheese in ash has no outer 'skin' to hold it together as it melts, so you need to grill it more slowly and keep a careful eye on it so you remove it before it melts beyond the limits of the toast.
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Reviews of Grilled Goats Cheese Salad

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again November 17 2014
This was a very tasty and filling salad. My husband just loved it and even the kids (once they'd forced down their lettuce!) admitted that the warm goat cheese was 'ace'. Will definitely make it again.
(6 reviews)
Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again March 31 2014
That was incredibly tasty ans dead easy and quick to make. It's a keeper for sure.
(8 reviews)

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