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Mackerel and Bacon Salad Recipe

Mackerel and Bacon Salad

Rating 4-5 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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Mackerel and Bacon Salad is a humble salad that combines creamy, soft smoked mackerel with crisp, streaky bacon. If you are looking for something different for lunch, a light evening meal, or even a starter course, Warm Mackerel and Bacon Salad is a "must try". Once you've tried it, you'll keep making it - that's a certainty!

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Ingredients for Mackerel and Bacon Salad

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to serve 4:
3 tablespoons
white wine vinegar
1 lb
salad potatoes
6 rashers (slices)
smoked streaky bacon (side bacon)
2 whole or 4 fillets
smoked makerel
2 tablespoons
Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons
white wine vinegar
salt and pepper
6 tablespoons
olive oil
6 sprigs


How to Cook Mackerel and Bacon Salad

  1. Peel and finely slice the onion into rings and place them into a small bowl with the white-wine vinegar. Set aside for at least 10 minutes, tossing occasionally. This will slightly soften the onion and remove any harshness of taste.
  2. Boil the potatoes in deep, generously salted water for about 15 minutes until they are tender. Meanwhile, preheat the grill (broiler) to a medium high heat and line a baking sheet (broiler pan) with greaseproof paper. Lay the bacon out flat on the lined baking sheet and grill for 10 minutes until crisp.
  3. Meanwhile, peel the skin off the mackerel and flake the flesh in good-size chunks into a large bowl. Make the dressing in another bowl by spooning in the mustard then drain the capers and add to the mustard. Pour the white wine vinegar over, add a little salt and freshly-ground black pepper and a few generous glugs of olive oil (6 tablespoons if you prefer accuracy!). Remove the softened onions from the vinegar and add to the dressing, then stir well. Chop the dill and add half to the dressing and half to the bowl with the mackerel.
  4. When the potatoes are cooked (about 15 minutes), drain and cut them in bite-size pieces, leaving the skin on. Tip them into the dressing and stir gently to absorb all the flavours. Spoon over the flaked mackerel. Snip small squares of the crisp bacon (about 1½" - 4cm) over the salad and toss it together before serving warm.

I realise there are potatoes (starch) in this recipe but you can serve this salad with a chunk of crusty wholemeal bread - it's great for mopping up the dressing at the end!!
GRAHAM'S WINE RECOMMENDATION: GrahamSmoked foods and oaked wines are often especially suited to each other; charred wood plays a character-forming part in the making of both. However, smoked mackerel overcomes most wines and dry vinho verde (like the inexpensive Gazela Vinho Verde) is the only star.
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Reviews of Mackerel and Bacon Salad

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again May 14 2014
Oh, this is just a combination that works well every time, isn't it? All three of my favorites in this! I love it! :) I've pinned it to my salad board. :) I like smoked mackerel, oily and tasty and I am sure I the rest of my family will soon get out of the habit of eating only canned mackerel in rich tomato sauce topped by a huge amount of mayo (Danish style)! Thank you for the vinegar and onion tip.
(6 reviews)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again December 20 2012
Since I have made this three times this is a great recommendation. I wish I used mackerel more in my dishes, it is a great value fish and one of my favourites. I laid my finished salad out on a bed of lettuce leaves - a feast for the eyes and something nice and crispy for the taste. I must admit I never would have paired mackerel with bacon as I usually like to add some sharp flavours with it but I know now that it's really good. I'm glad I trusted your judgement !
(1 review)

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