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Port and Stilton Gravy Recipe

Port and Stilton Gravy

Rating 4-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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Port and Stilton Gravy, wonderfully aromatic and tangy, is the perfect acompaniment to any juicy roast beef. Port and Stilton are the essence of English foods. Just the words bring back memories of logs crackling in an open fire, and the smell of roasting chestnuts.

I love this mixture of rich, rounded ruby port and sharp, salty cheese which, combined with the beef juices create a deeply rich gravy. There is something about a big rib of beef sitting proudly on its carving board at the table that 'needs' an extravagant gravy to compliment it. And here it is!

      Preparation Time: 1 Minute

      Cooking Time: 5 Minutes

Ingredients for Port and Stilton Gravy

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2 tablespoons
fatty juices, reserved from the roast beef tin
1 tablespoon
plain flour (all purpose flour)
½ cup
ruby port
2 cups
beef stock
4½ oz
blue cheese (preferably Stilton)
1 teaspoon
redcurrant jelly
salt and pepper
addition juices from the meat


How to Cook Port and Stilton Gravy

  1. In a saucepan over low heat, add 2 tablespoons of the fatty juices from the roasting tin. To make a roux, add the flour whilst stirring then whisk it in and then add the port. Keep heating and whisking over a fairly gentle heat, until thick and bubbling. Take the saucepan off the heat, and gradually whisk in the beef stock. Crumble the blue cheese between your fingers and whisk it in to the gravy along with the red currant jelly. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper. Pour in any juices that remain in the tin or on the cutting board. Transfer to gravy boat and serve with the beef.

Stir the flour into the juices littel by little to avoid getting lumps.
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Reviews of Port and Stilton Gravy

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again August 22 2014
This is really good, really easy, and a fantastic way to have a blowout dinner! The gravy is so different, but just bursting with flavors, and it compliments the savory beef really well! There was not a drop of it left when I served this. If you didn't want to do a standing rib, this can be easily adapted to a samller more everyday roast. The seasoning on top and the gravy alongside are what really make this special. Serve with Roast Potatoes, a green of your choice, and you can't go wrong!
(3 reviews)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again May 21 2014
Gravy has always been like rocket science to me. I've never been able to handle it and get it right. But this worked out perfectly and the taste was excellent. Thanks.
(1 review)

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