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Smoked Salmon on Potato Pancakes Recipe

Smoked Salmon on Potato Pancakes

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for EntertainingAn Unusual Recipe

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This Smoked Salmon on Potato Pancakes recipe will make 8 pancakes which are ideal as a starter for 8 people (if you are entertaining) or on its own for a light meal for 4 people. By the way, if you're out of smoked salmon, these are wonderful with apple sauce.

If you want a full flavour for your pancake treat, use our Smoked Salmon Without the Smoke recipe (though you'll need to make it a couple of days in advance).

      Preparation Time: 20 Minutes + waiting

      Cooking Time: 10 Minutes

Ingredients for Smoked Salmon on Potato Pancakes

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US Imperial Measurements  UK Imperial Measurements  Metric Measurements

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
makes 8 pancakes:
2¼ lb
3 medium
3 tablespoons
plain flour (all-purpose flour)
salt and pepper
vegetable oil
6 oz
thinly sliced smoked salmon
8 tablespoons
sour cream
dill (or chives)


How to Cook Smoked Salmon on Potato Pancakes

  1. Peel the potatoes and, using a cheese grater, shred them directly into a large bowl of cold or chilled water. Peel and grate the onion in the same way, straight into the bowl. Let this sit for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, place the eggs and flour into a large mixing bowl, add in 1 teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of cayenne. Whisk this together until completely smooth and set to one side.
  2. Drain the potato-onion mixture through a colander, pressing down on the mixture to squeeze out as much water as possible. Take one handful of the mixture at a time from the colander, and squeeze as hard as possible to extract the maximum amount of water, then spread the "dry" potatoes on several layers of paper towels.
  3. Repeat until all the potato mixture has been squeezed dry and then spread onto kitchen paper. Press down on them with some dry paper towels to get any remaining moisture out then remove the paper towels and transfer the potato-onion mixture to the bowl with the egg mixture. Use a spatula to thoroughly combine the egg and the potato.
  4. Pour about ¼" (0.5cm) of vegetable oil into a large, heavy skillet or frying pan (preferably non-stick) and place over medium-high heat. Once the surface of the oil begins to shimmer, spoon about 5 tablespoons (that's about one-third of a cup) of the potato mixture into the pan, shape it into an approximate circle (no need for accuracy) and flatten to about ½" (1cm) thick. In a large frying pan, you can probably make three or four of these patties at a time. Reduce the heat to medium, and fry the potato pancakes for about 5 minutes on each side until they are browned and crispy (don't forget - the potatoes are raw, so don't cook them too quickly otherwise they will be undercooked in the middle).
  5. Remove from the pan and drain on paper towels. Place in a warm oven until all the pancakes are cooked (or use 2 pans!). To serve, top each potato pancake with a slice or two of smoked salmon, a spoonful of sour cream, some chopped dill (or chives), and a few grinds of black pepper.

The secret to producing great potato pancakes is to make sure you squeeze out all the water before mixing. This will give you beautifully browned, crispy pancakes.
GRAHAM'S WINE RECOMMENDATION: GrahamChâteau Doisy Daëne Sec (Bordeaux, France) is a real find. 100% Sauvignon Blanc, on the palate there’s a lemon citrus burst and creamy body (with a subtle oak finish). This is a truly great wine with smoked salmon. The citrus notes will cut through the salmon with the oak and creamy notes bringing depth and character.
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Reviews of Smoked Salmon on Potato Pancakes

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again August 29 2014
This is so delicious. I almost knocked you down a star because these should be served right out of the pan so they are crisp outside - they go a bit soft sitting in the oven - it is a bit misleading. However they were just too good to take away a star! I will make thse again next week as an appetizer served before a luncheon. I'll cut the size of the pancakes to 2" and serve 2 per person. I think if I make them much smaller than stated in recipe they'll made perfect finger food!! You did a great job on this recipe. Thanks
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