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Mixed Tuna Salad Recipe

Mixed Tuna Salad

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for EntertainingAn Ideal Recipe for Slimmers

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Mixed Tuna Salad provides a tasty and colourful mixed salad that is perfectly suited for entertaining. The blend of flavours is both delicate and contrasting and yet simplicity remains the key to success.

      Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

Ingredients for Mixed Tuna Salad

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Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 4:
8 oz can
tuna in brine
8 oz can
sweet corn
1 small
hard-boiled eggs
2 medium-sized
4 oz
mozzarella cheese
Summer Oil Dressing
salt and freshly-ground pepper


How to Cook Mixed Tuna Salad

  1. Hard-boil the eggs, allow to cool, remove the shells and cut each into four lengthways. Wash and dry the lettuce, break the leaves into small pieces no bigger than about 1½" (4cm) square. Cut each tomato into about six equal sections and cut out and discard the loose, wet seeds, leaving just firm flesh, then cut each section into two or three pieces. Drain the mozzarella cheese and chop roughly into small pieces. Drain the tuna and, using a fork, break it into small bite-size pieces. Drain the sweet corn. Peel and finely chop the shallot.
  2. Prepare the Summer Oil Dressing in a large salad bowl. Retain two tablespoons of it in a cup then add all the ingredients (prepared as above) except for the eggs into the salad bowl and gently 'toss' the salad in the oil until it is all thoroughly coated. Lay the egg pieces on top and pour the reserved dressing over them. Serve with crusty whole wheat bread.

This recipe makes an appetising and colourful mixed salad for those long summer days but can also be served in smaller portions as a starter to a meal if you are entertaining.
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Reviews of Mixed Tuna Salad

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again January 03 2015
Really nice tossed salad this. We often use it now as a simple lunch and it's easy to vary it too with all sorts, depending what you have in the cupboards (a roughly grated carrot, some cold potato left-overs etc. etc). This has become my go-to recipe for a simple mixed salad.
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