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Ham and Leek Bake Recipe

Ham and Leek Bake

Rating 4-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Unusual Recipe

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Ham and Leek Bake is great for a simple lunch or late supper. Better still for a welcoming but inexpensive Church Dinner because they are easy to prepare and serve in larger quantities. You can use any cooked ham, as long as it's not cut too thick. If you want to turn it into a more substantial meal, allow two leeks per person and add a few small green asparagus stems.

      Preparation Time: 1 Minute

      Cooking Time: 12 Minutes

Ingredients for Ham and Leek Bake

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to serve 2:
2 medium-sized
4 slices
cooked ham
salt and pepper
white sauce


How to Cook Ham and Leek Bake

  1. Trim the green leaves and the roots off the leeks and discard. Place the leeks whole into a pan of slightly salted water. Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 10-12 minutes.
  2. While they are cooking, make a white sauce and warm the ham slices a little - you can put them on a plate on top of the pan where the leeks are cooking or pop them in a microwave for a moment.
  3. When the leeks are cooked, allow plenty of time for them to drain well (try to drain them vertically so the water runs out from between the layers). Cut the leeks into two equal lengths then lay one leek portion on each slice of ham. Spoon a little white sauce over and roll the leek in the ham slice. Spoon the remaining white sauce over the ham 'rolls' and add a twist of freshly-ground pepper. Serve while warm.

If you have a sprig of fresh parsley (and you should always have fresh parsley available!), chop some and sprinkle over the top of each ham and leek roll. Looks better and adds a nice flavour.
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Reviews of Ham and Leek Bake

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again September 19 2014
I cheated and made the white sauce from a packet. It didn't matter, the result was outstanding. A great lunch recipe and I can also use it with just one leek for two people as a little starter when we have guests.
(6 reviews)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again July 26 2014
It took me less than 15 minutes in total to produce two really nice lunches for a friend and myself. I just served it with a chunk of crusty bread and we were both well satisfied. Next time I will probably cook the leeks in advance and *really* let all the water drain out, then warm them in the microwave. No matter how long you hold them as they come out of the pan, there's still water between the layers. It didn't spoil a really nice lunch though. Top marks!
(6 reviews)

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