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Mulligatawny Soup Recipe

Mulligatawny Soup

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for Vegetarians

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A really warming and generous soup, ideal for a cold winter evening. This fragrant Indian Mulligatawny Soup recipe is spiced with curry and made from creamy red lentils, onions, red pepper, and tomato. Don't hesitate to make a double batch and freeze the rest. It freezes really well. It’s one of my favorites really, I mean how can you go wrong with curry and lentils? There are so many different variations of Mulligatawny, so this is just my version of this amazing soup. Though normally served hot, Mulligatawny Soup is equally good served chilled.

      Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes

A Top Choice Recipe for Flavour

Ingredients for Mulligatawny Soup

If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
If you want to know more about Indian ingredients, check our Indian Spices and our Indian Pulses, Rice and Seeds pages.
US Imperial Measurements  UK Imperial Measurements  Metric Measurements

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
Serves 8:
8 oz
2 tablespoons
large onions
1 heaped tablespoon
curry powder
2 cloves
red pepper
2 pints
chicken stock
2 oz
seedless raisins
8 oz
1 tablespoon
tomato puree
salt and Pepper


How to Cook Mulligatawny Soup

  1. Most lentils nowadays are ready to use. But check the back of the packet. You may have to soak them in cold water overnight before using them. If so, soak, rinse, and drain. In preparation, peel and chop the onions- crush the garlic - core, seed, and chop the red pepper - skin, seed and chop the tomatoes.
  2. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the chopped onions and fry gently until browned. Stir in the curry powder and cook for two minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the crushed garlic, lentils, chopped red pepper, chicken stock, raisins, chopped tomatoes, and tomto puree. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for 1½ hours
  3. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. Sieve or work in an electric blender until smooth. Return to the pan and heat through. Serve and enjoy.

When served, stir in a spoonful of crème fraîche to each dish for a lovely creamy soup.
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Reviews of Mulligatawny Soup

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again May 26 2020
Really tasty. I expected it to be too hot, but it wasn't. With one heaped tablespoon of curry powder, it was just enough to add the flavour without undue heat. A long time on the stove, but very, very easy to make. The family all loved it, so I'll be doing it again soon.
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