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Olive Oil Braised Leeks & Peas with Feta and Dill Recipe

Olive Oil Braised Leeks & Peas with Feta and Dill

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for SlimmersAn Ideal Recipe for Vegetarians

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Olive Oil Braised Leeks & Peas with Feta and Dill is lovely recipe either as a main course with another vegetable or just as it is as a side dish or starter. Just remember to cook the leeks gently and don't let them colour. You can replace the feta and dill with crumbled ricotta and mint of you wish.

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Ingredients for Olive Oil Braised Leeks & Peas with Feta and Dill

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To serve 4:
4 large
2½ fl oz
Olive Oil (plus more to serve)
2½ fl oz
Chicken (or vegetable) stock
clove of garlic
salt and freshly-ground black papper
6 oz
garden peas (fresh or frozen)
1 tablespoon
roughly chopped dill fonds
4 oz
feta cheese


How to Cook Olive Oil Braised Leeks & Peas with Feta and Dill

  1. In preparation, peel and crush the garlic, and zest half the lemon. Make the chicken (or vegetable) stock from a stock cube.
  2. Remove the coarser outer leaf (or leaves) from the leeks and trim away the dark greem leaves at the top. Remove the root section at the bottom. Discard these and cut the tender white stem into 4cm (1½") lengths. Wash well to make sure you have removed any trapped soil.
  3. Heat the oil in a heavy-based pan and gently cook the leeks over a medium heat for about seven minutes. Don't allow them to colour. Add the stock and the garlic, bring to the boil, then immediately reduce the heat to low. Season with salt and freshly-ground black pepper then cover with a lid.
  4. Cook for 10-12 minutes until the leeks are just tender (check with the point of a knife). Add the peas and cook until they are tender. If you are using frozen peas, you'll find that they require very little cooking - they more or less just heat through. Sprinkle with lemon zest and check the seasoning. Transfer to a bowl or shallow dish and scatter with dill and feta. Drizzle with more oil and serve.

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Reviews of Olive Oil Braised Leeks & Peas with Feta and Dill

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again April 23 2020
This is the sort of food that's right up my street - light, tasty and original. Definitely a keeper.
(1 review)

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