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Piperade Recipe


Rating 4-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Unusual Recipe

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Piperade (pronounced "pip-eh-rad") is a typical Basque dish from the south west of France, prepared with onion, green peppers, and tomatoes. The colours are light and bright and full of sunshine and, coincidentally, reflect the colours of the Basque flag (red, green and white). It may be served as a main or a side dish.

There are several variations to Piperade and the one here is the one used by my wife when she's trying to get round me for a new dress! I generally do the cooking in our home but, when it comes to a couple of dishes, Marie-Danielle rolls up her sleeves because she makes them better than me! (Did I really just say that?)

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 35 Minutes

Ingredients for Piperade

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to serve 4:
2 tablespoons
olive oil
2 medium-sized
green bell pepper
red bell pepper
1 clove
1½ lb
1 tablespoon
chopped parsley
3 oz
Parma ham
salt & pepper


How to Cook Piperade

  1. In preparation, peel and slice the onions - core, seed and slice the peppers - skin, deseed and chop the tomatoes - peel and crush (mince) the garlic and slice the ham into thin strips.
  2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan (skillet) over medium heat. Add the onion, peppers and garlic and cook gently stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes until the vegetables have softened. Add the tomatoes to the pan and simmer the mixture, uncovered, for about 10-15 minutes, until most of the liquid has evaporated and the tomatoes have turned pulpy.
  3. Beat the eggs and pour these plus the Parma ham strips and chopped parsley into the pan. Stir gently until the eggs are just "scrambled" (better a little undercooked since they will continue to cook after you take them out of the pan). Remove the pan from the heat and, with the help of a palette knife, slide the Piperade on to a warmed serving dish. Eat without delay!

Save a few strips of ham and a little chopped parsley and use them to decorate the top of the Piperade when you serve it.
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Reviews of Piperade

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again December 31 2014
This was easy and fun to make. There's nothing difficult about it. It's like a big omelette with peppers and tomato! Very tasty, great with some crusty bread either as a lunch or evening meal. My husband was sold after the first mouthful. The kids took a minute of two longer to acknowledge that it was "OK" (high praise indeed from my kids!) Definitely a keeper.
(6 reviews)

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