Pain d'épice (Spice Bread) is a Christmas favourite in France. It's very similar to a gingerbread loaf, though there are more spices involved.Preparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 35 Minutes -
Cassoulet is a rich, slow-cooked bean stew or casserole of peasant origins from the south of France. Typically, it contains pork sausages & pork loin.Preparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 2 Hours -
The French name for this is "Poulet a l'ail et aux Fines Herbes en croute de Sel Parfumée" - Chicken in Garlic and Herbs with a crust of Perfumed SaltPreparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 30 Minutes -
You will no doubt be surprised to see that 25 cloves of garlic (about 4 complete heads of garlic) are used for Chicken with Garlic Cloves.Preparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 35 Minutes -
This recipe for Stuffed Pork with Redcurrant Sauce (called, in French, "Porc Farci aux Pruneaux") makes use of prunes and raisins for the stuffingPreparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 40 Minutes -
I ran out of compliments when first I tasted Stuffed Shoulder of Lambat a friend's house just outside Paris. This is really delicious.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 30 Minutes -
Tomatoes are extremely versatile creatures. They can be eaten hot or cold, on their own or as an accompaniment to other dishes.Preparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 40 Minutes -
Citrus Parfait is one of our favourite desserts for three very good reasons... (1) it's dead easy to make (2) it tastes great (3) our guests love it!Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: NIL -
Confit de Canard (Duck Confit) is one of our absolute favourites and, whenever we serve it to non-French guests, they fall in love with it too.Preparation: 1 Hour
Cooking: 2 Hours 30 Minutes -
I've seen lots of different 'versions' of Coq au Vin de Bourgogne and most of them should have been ashamed to call themselves by that name!Preparation: 25 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 15 Minutes -
Cubes of Veal with Spicebread Sauce, accompanied by Cauliflower-Cheese - it's truly delicious and to die for!Preparation: 40 Minutes
Cooking: 15 Minutes -
If ever there was an underrated "stew", Daube Provençale is it! Daube is tender and carries the exquisite taste and aromas of the MediterraneanPreparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 3 Hours -
Whether for a party, a picnic or a great snack or starter this firm pâté keeps well in the fridge for several days and is hard to resist.Preparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 2 Hours -
The use of thin savoury pancakes to hold a variety of fillings is of French Origin where they are called crêpes (pronounced "krep")Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
In this recipe for Eggs in Tarragon Jelly, the tarragon imparts a mild but distinctive flavour to the consommé.Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 25 Minutes -
Tapenade is a Provençal dish from France consisting of puréed or finely chopped olives, capers, anchovies, olive oil and, in this recipe, some brandyPreparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: NIL -
Tartiflette is one of those traditional French peasant dishes that stands out for taste and simplicity. The taste comes mostly from the ReblochonPreparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 35 Minutes -
Tasty Tarragon Leeks proves that good food is usually very simple but full of flavour. I have often stated that this is the art of French cuisine.Preparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 10 Minutes -
Filet Mignon (tenderloin of pork) with Honey and Ginger has a sublime taste and will leave your guests screaming for more!Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 45 Minutes -
Fillet Steak en Croûte (in pastry) is exactly that - a steak wrapped in a pastry crust - and it looks good and tastes good.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 15 Minutes -
Five Hour Confit of Lamb is not just mouth-wateringly delicious, it's also perfect for when you are entertaining. Simply prepare in advance!Preparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 5 Hours -
This recipe for Foie Gras on Spice Bread (escalope de foie gras au pain d'Épice) is quick and easy and very, very, very tasty!Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 10 Minutes -
Escalopes of Foie Gras with Dates and Pears relies on the rich, buttery, and delicate falvours of fresh (uncooked) foie gras.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 25 Minutes -
French Onion Soup is one of 'the classics' with a well deserved reputation. In this recipe, I mostly follow the traditional French method.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 30 Minutes -
Once you've tasted it, French Style Peas will become a regular in your culinary repertoire! You will be forever grateful to the French for sharing!Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 8 Minutes -
In cookery, a grenadin is a larded fillet, especially one of veal or poultry, glazed with its own concentrated liquor.Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 15 Minutes -
The use of thin savoury pancakes to hold a variety of fillings is of French Origin where they are called crêpes.Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 15 Minutes -
Hot Camembert with Cherry Filling is a somewhat decadent way of mixing cheese and fruit, but it's very, very more-ish when served with crusty bread.Preparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
This is the 'traditional' Tournedos Rossini recipe with foie gras on top of the steak. It is one of the great classic dishes of the world.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 15 Minutes -
Fillet Steaks in Madeira Sauce is a simplified (and less expensive) version of the classic French dish, Tournedos Rossini.Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 10 Minutes -
a Trio of Scallops is a simple and very effective starter course or you can extend the choice to make it a "quad" of scallops. Absolutely stunning!Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 15 Minutes -
Leek and Potato Soup is unpretentious but easy to make and always welcome on a cold winter's day.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour -
I admit that Luxury Lobster and Potato Salad is somewhat decadent and exotic but lobster and truffles are a match made in heaven.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
Mackerel in White Wine is a speciality of North-Western France. Washed down with a glass of fresh Muscadet, there's nothing to beat it.Preparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
The concept of Vichyssoise is simple; make some leek and potato soup, stir in cream, cool the soup quickly and serve. And who am I to argue with that?Preparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 45 Minutes -
The use of thin savoury pancakes to hold a variety of fillings is of French Origin where they are called crêpes.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
Pheasant can be a tricky bird to get just right. It's a game bird, but nowhere near as gamey as goose or pigeon (for example).Preparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 2 Hours 30 Minutes -
Piperade (pronounced "pip-eh-rad") is a typical Basque dish from the south west of France, prepared with onion, green peppers, and tomatoes.Preparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 35 Minutes -
This is traditional French cooking - the sort you'd come across in any country family. The meat and lentils are cooked, together with the vegetables.Preparation: 30 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 30 Minutes -
If you're not a fan of hot chocolate sauce, Profiteroles in Caramel are a great alternative to Chocolate Profiteroles. AND they just melt in the mouthPreparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
Rabbit with Mustard is one of the great traditional dishes of French cooking that came from the countryside peasant recipes of long ago.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 30 Minutes -
Ratatouille (pronounced rat-a-too-ee) is a mixture of vegetables that go well with a light meal. It relies upon aubergine for its distinctive flavourPreparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 1 Hour 15 Minutes -
Rillettes de Porc (pronounced "ree-et-der-por") is very French and very tasty! If you're on a strict diet, maybe choose something different though!Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 4 Hours -
Roasted Garlic and Peppers Poussin uses half a poussin per person. A poussin is a small, immature chicken, sometimes called a spring chicken.Preparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 25 Minutes -
A gourmet is an individual with a highly refined discerning palate who revels in the enjoyment of good food. This salad was created for such a person!Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 5 Minutes -
The original version of Salade Niçoise always included raw red peppers, shallots, and artichoke hearts - but never any cooked vegetablesPreparation: 12 Minutes
Cooking: 8 Minutes -
The use of thin savoury pancakes to hold a variety of fillings is of French origin where they are called crêpesPreparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 25 Minutes -
Scallops à ma façon (scallops - my way) are the perfect dish for entertaining when I have guests I want to spend time with.Preparation: 10 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
Scallops with Garlic and Parsley are called "Coquilles St. Jacques à la Provençal" in France, which strikes me as much more romantic !Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 5 Minutes -
Sole Véronique could just as easily be called Plaice Véronique - but it's more traditional and more decadent using sole!Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 25 Minutes -
A simple recipe with oodles of taste. Served with a nice fresh salad, you can eat it as a lunch or, by adding king scallops, as an amazing dinner.Preparation: 5 Minutes
Cooking: 45 Minutes -
Tenderloin of Pork is a tender cut of meat that marinates well. Here, the recipe calls for clementines, adding sweetness and colour to the dishPreparation: 20 Minutes
Cooking: 20 Minutes -
A gem of a recipe that is simple to make and tastes gloriously decadent. A bit rich in calories, a bit on the expensive side, but so worth it.Preparation: 30 Minutes
Cooking: 30 Minutes -
Ah, oysters - the food of the gods! Straight from the sea, tasting of salt and freshness. But not everybody can handle their oysters raw.Preparation: 15 Minutes
Cooking: 5 Minutes
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