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Orange and Honey Fluff Recipe

Orange and Honey Fluff

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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Orange and Honey Fluff is a neat little dessert that is so simple that children can make it for the adults to eat! One of my all-time favorite things that my Mum made for us as kids during the summer months was what she called "Strawberry Whip". To die for!

I occasionally drool over these "whips" as an adult, but never buy the stuff because I now know how fake and artificial everything is inside the packet. So I thought it would be fun to re-create the retro "whip" using real ingredients, but still leaving it a fun and yummy treat. Finding the ingredients and re-creating it without fake items was not difficult. The most challenging part was achieving that fluffy texture.

      Preparation Time: 8 Minutes

Ingredients for Orange and Honey Fluff

If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
US Imperial Measurements  UK Imperial Measurements  Metric Measurements

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 4:
1 tablespoon
2 teaspoons
lemon juice
10 oz
natural yoghurt


How to Cook Orange and Honey Fluff

  1. Finely grate (shred) the rind of the orange. Squeeze the juice from the orange into a bowl and blend it with the honey and lemon juice. Stir in most of the grated orange rind and all of the yoghurt. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Whisk the whites until they are stiff and fold them into the mixture. Spoon this into small glass serving bowls and sprinkle the remaining orange rind over the top and decorate with any other fresh fruit available (like half a strawberry and some bits of melon!).

Don't prepare this dessert too soon before eating. It should be eaten within about 15 minutes since it can quickly revert back to liquid form.
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Reviews of Orange and Honey Fluff

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again May 20 2014
Absolute heaven! As a single dad, I'm always looking for ways to occupy and educate the kids and this was just perfect. Dead easy for the kids to make, all natural ingredients and they loved it (like me!!). Definitely will do it again soon.
(6 reviews)

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